It’s fitting that Nala means gift in Swahili as she was absolutely my gift; not the dog I thought I was getting, but certainly the dog I was supposed to have. She taught me so many lessons – To take a walk every day To explore every trail To be clear about what you need… Yip for a bone Wookiee for a treat Whine and dance when something is taking too long and you can’t wait another second Bark, growl and show your teeth when someone crosses your boundaries Paw for more belly rubs and chest scratches Stop, look up, take it all in and relish the moment To keep a watchful eye over those you love To take risks and be vulnerable even when you’re scared as that’s where the good stuff is Thank you miss Nally, you’ve enriched my life and helped me to grow in countless ways. I’m so lucky you rescued me when I needed it most. Lead on sweet girl!